at redradrat's

Good time for a fresh start?

The obligatory 'Hello, World!

It’s a nice 25 degrees (C) today and I find myself with time on my hands to rework my heavily outdated web presence.

My previous site was built using the Pug HTML-preprocessor, with a bunch of TailwindCSS.

picture of the old site
The old site with my mascot

There were no cookies or reactivity whatsoever. But I have to admit, I didn’t enjoy having Tailwind definitions all over the content I wanted to express. Granted, I could have sourced the actual textual content via pug from specific content files. But am I not just wiring together a static generator at this point?

In the end I just want to have this site up. Not sure if I’ll ever use this blog-engine. Writing markdown is fast, so this is me now using Hugo to render. Here’s to new beginnings! 🥂